When you need high speed and supreme tooling flexibility…
The ½” bar capacity, 7-axis Citizen L12VII is the perfect machine for your small diameter machining needs. With 15,000 RPM main spindle speeds, this dynamo has a true need for speed! The L12VII allows for a maximum of 28 mounted tools, with 4 live spindles included as standard. Live spindles mounted on the gang tool slide can be easily removed and mounted on the backside for work on the subspindle if the application demands it. The modular design concept allows you to optimize the machine to your specific machine needs.
The L12 is equipped with a detachable guide bushing as standard. This allows the machine to be used in guide bushing mode for long and small diameter workpieces. Once the guide bushing is removed, it can be used to machine short workpieces with less material waste. You wanted high versatility, now you have it!
Now available with new Low Frequency Vibration (LFV) cutting technology - The solution to all your chip problems! This exciting new technology facilitates programmable chip control to reduce chip size and break up your chips.
Citizen L12X
For when the L12VII just isn’t enough! We are now proud to introduce the new Citizen Cincom L12X with even more machining capability and flexibility. We’ve added a Y2 axis to the subspindle for increased backworking functionality, allowing for two stacks of tooling to help reduce your cycle times even further. The L12X, with its additional subspindle axis and modular tooling system, provides for up to 38 tools to potentially be mounted with significantly increased live tooling capability. You wanted more, now you got it!